Water, Garbage, Recycling & Bulky Trash
We recognize that many new neighbors may have questions about our community. We’ve compiled answers to some frequently asked questions to help you settle in and understand the neighborhood better. Feel free to explore the answers below, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Watering Schedule
City of Dallas Maximum Twice-Weekly Watering Schedule
Last Digit of Address | Watering Days Allowed |
0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 (even numbers) | Sundays & Thursdays |
1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 (odd numbers) | Saturdays & Wednesdays |
No address number | Sundays & Thursdays |
According to the MANDATORY Twice-Weekly Watering Schedule, irrigation of landscaped areas with hose-end sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems is limited to no more than twice per week. No watering is allowed on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Fridays. From April 1 – October 31, watering is prohibited between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on all days of the week, including the allowed watering days. Drip irrigation, soaker hoses, and hand watering are permitted on any day and at any time.
The lowest address number must identify apartments, office building complexes, or other properties containing multiple addresses.
Garbage & Recycling
Please place your roll cart facing the collection point and ensure 3 feet of clear space on all sides, avoiding obstructions like fences, gas meters, poles, utility boxes, trees, shrubs, or other containers.
Garbage must be bagged and placed inside the gray roll cart. Recycling items must be loose, NOT bagged, and placed inside the blue roll cart. Avoid placing bags on or beside the cart. Set your cart at the curb in front of your residence (or in approved alleyways) by 7 a.m. on your collection day, but not before 6 p.m. the previous evening. Ensure the cart is not on the street or sidewalk and does not obstruct traffic or pedestrians. Keep it clear from vehicles, objects, or overhanging tree limbs. After collection, please retrieve your cart by 8 a.m. the following day.
Items Not Accepted
- Household Hazardous Waste
(Batteries, Oil, Cleaning Products, Paint, and Antifreeze) - Hot Ashes
- Yard Debris
- Concrete or Rocks
- Clothing
- Large Pieces of Metal
- Dirt
- Construction Debris
To learn more about disposing of household hazardous waste, please click here.
Recycling Items Accepted
- Paper
- Plastic
- Cardboard & Cartons
- Metal
- Glass
For more information, download the free Dallas Sanitation Services app from City of Dallas Department of Sanitation Services site.
Missed Collection
If your roll cart is not serviced by 8 p.m. on your regularly scheduled collection day, please click here and answer a few questions to report the missed pickup. Roll carts not set out in time for collection will not be collected until the following week.
If you have received an Orange Tag on your garbage/recycle roll cart(s), a collection violation was identified and needs to be corrected for your location to be serviced. Collection will be attempted on your next scheduled day of service. The Dallas City Code, Chapter 18, controls and governs the regulations. For additional information, please contact the City of Dallas Sanitation Department.
In the event that a customer submits a service request claiming regular collection services were not provided, but Sanitation later determines through vehicle on-board cameras that the roll cart(s) in question were not set out at the prescribed time of collection or did not comply with collection requirements, a collection fee of $25 for garbage and $25 for recyclable materials may be assessed to the dwelling unit’s utility account. (Effective 10/1/22, see Dallas City Code Section 18-9 (c)(5)(B)).
Bulk Trash Pickup
3rd Week of the Month
Our monthly bulky trash pickup service is scheduled for the third Monday of each month. This service includes the collection of large items such as furniture, appliances, mattresses, box springs, large limbs, shrubbery, and bagged leaves. Please ensure that all items are securely bagged, with each bag having a maximum capacity of 50 gallons. It’s important to place these items on the front curb for collection no later than 7:00 A.M. on the Monday of your pickup week. To maintain the cleanliness of our neighborhood, please do not set out items for pickup earlier than 7:00 A.M. on the Thursday preceding your collection week.
Be mindful that the pickup is limited to a maximum of 10 cubic yards of Brush and Bulky items ONLY. Items that are not accepted include bagged grass clippings, construction debris, automobile parts/tires, electronics, oversized items, hazardous waste, and materials from new construction or remodeling, such as lumber or roofing materials. For the disposal of construction or remodeling materials, residents can contact 3-1-1 or (214) 670-5111 from outside the city limits for a free estimate on the Cost Plus service. Please note that bricks, concrete, rocks, dirt, paint, oil, and hazardous containers are not collected in the Cost Plus or regular brush and bulky trash collection services.
Additional Roll Carts
Need another garbage roll cart? Additional garbage carts are available for an additional monthly fee of $13.85 (per roll cart) and can be requested by ordering your roll cart online by clicking here.
Roll Cart Options
To see garbage and recycling roll cart options, click here.
To order a gray garbage roll cart, please click here. You can also use the online service request form and select the Service Type: Garbage Roll Cart. A recycling roll cart can be ordered free of charge by clicking here to order the roll cart online.
Roll Cart Repairs & Replacement
If your cart is damaged, please click here to request repairs or replacements. You can also use the online service request form and select the Service Type: Garbage Roll Cart. The City will repair minor damage from normal use. Any cart with damages as a result of abuse or neglect by the property owner will be replaced at a charge of $67.90 per cart.
City of Dallas Sanitation Services Contact Information
Please call 3-1-1 for all service-related matters, or submit a request online here. If you are outside the city, you can call (214) 670-3111. Click here for additional ways to contact Sanitation.
3112 Canton Street, Suite 200Dallas, Texas 75226